Our Publications

In press.

Keating, C. T., Hickman, L., Geelhand, P., Takahashi, T., Leung, J., Monk, R., ... & Sowden, S. Cross-cultural variation in experiences of acceptance, camouflaging and mental health difficulties in autism: A registered report. PloS ONE.


Tafla, T. L., Teixeira, M. C. T. V., Woodcock, K. A., & Sowden-Carvalho, S. (2024). Autism spectrum disorder diagnosis across cultures: Are diagnoses equivalent?. Neurodiversity, 2, 27546330241226811. https://doi.org/10.1177/27546330241226811


Geelhand, P., Papastamou, F., Belenger, M., Clin, E., Hickman, L., Keating, C. T., & Sowden, S. (2023). Autism-related language preferences of French-speaking autistic adults: an online survey. Autism in Adulthood. https://psyarxiv.com/y8zj3/

Keating, C. T., Hickman, L., Leung, J., Monk, R., Montgomery, A., Heath, H., & Sowden, S. (2022). Autism-related language preferences across the globe: A mixed methods investigation. Autism Research. https://doi.org/10.1002/aur.2864. View an accessible summary of our results here. Download an accessible summary of our results here.


Keating, C. T., Hickman, L., Geelhand, P., Takahashi, T., Leung, J., Schuster, B., ... & Sowden, S. (2021). Global perspectives on autism acceptance, camouflaging behaviours and mental health in autism spectrum disorder: A registered report protocol. Plos one, 16(12), e0261774. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0261774